The Mindful Coach Podcast Trailer
Introducing the Mindful Coach Podcast
By Brett Hill, founder of The Mindful Coach Association.
Welcome to the Mindful Coach Podcast, created so we can hear inspiring stories and meet courageous and helping professionals who value mindfulness in their lives and in their work.
Let me tell you, these coaches and professionals are doing the hard stuff. Working with populations including LBGTQ+, addictions, neurodiverse, BIPOC communities, laid-off tech workers, and more. As well as specialists in avoiding burnout, our relationship with food, and spiritual work.
And if you're like me, your inbox is flooded with offers to help me be a 7 figure coach next week while doing nothing, laying on the beach - if only I'd give them 20K. Where can we go to find vetted, professional help?
We'll be featuring service providers that can bring excellent value to our community of mindful professionals who are aligned with the cluster of values that are associated with mindfulness. Topics such as conscious marketing and copywriting, to name a few.
This podcast is intended to help amplify this work and help us connect as a community, so we can be resources for each other, learn from other kindred souls, and, quite simply - have each others' back in a world that celebrates going it alone.
So subscribe to this show, leave a review, and if you're coach or helping professional aligned with this mission - you're invited to create a free profile on The Mindful Coach Association website, who are all candidates to be guests on the show.